It is my feeling that the conservative movement is being watered down by secular libertarians disguised as mainstream conservatives. This is happening at the very worst time, when America is on a historical precipice.
My case in point is the recent revelation that Ann Coulter will be speaking at a gathering of a homosexual group called GOProud. As a result of her decision, Joseph Farah and the executive council of WND have decided to disallow Coulter from speaking at their function. They feel, as do I, that to accept these militant homosexuals into the conservative fold is to deny the Judeo-Christian principles that this nation was founded upon and are the underpinning of the conservative movement.
I have found that, even before this Coulter debacle, there is a definite lack of intestinal fortitude on the part of talk-radio conservatives, and others, to even touch upon the whole homosexual rights issue. Even many in the Tea Party Movement have shied away from this controversy for fear of being marginalized by the Leftist media and Democrat politicians. Political expediency, unfortunately, has taken the place of moral and Christian rectitude in the face of a Leftist, amoral onslaught.
The point here is that the part of the Marxist conspiracy to subvert and destroy America's infrastructure is to promote all forms of perversion as good, acceptable, and normal. Even the language has been changed to accommodate this new mind-set of acceptance. Gay, which used to mean "happy" is now a pseudonym for homosexual, promoting the feeling of rightness for their sexual deviance. And "homophobe", which is a purely made-up word that does not even follow the literal Latin meanings bastardized for their own convenience! And yet, we have Rush Limbaugh and others, in their naivete, freely using these words as though they are legitimate! I am anti-homosexuality, but I certainly am not fearful of "homos" which is what homophobe actually means.
What conservatives need to be doing is to be just as vocal as the militant homosexuals and other Leftists in opposing immorality in our society, and stop allowing the Left to dictate the terms of engagement in our national debate on this and other issues. When the true patriots of America succumb to the dictates of the authors of subversion in this country and let them frame the debate on their own terms, then we have already surrendered our freedom!
Make no mistake about it, this is not just a battle between patriotism and totalitarianism. This is a battle between the forces of personified Evil and God Himself. But, if we allow Evil to triumph, then God's judgement will very soon follow!
WAKE UP conservatives, and WAKE UP America, before we reach the "point of no return"!!