Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts is a political seismic event of epic proportions. It is a response from average Americans to an arrogant left-wing regime bent on shoving their Marxist agenda down our throats. And the cataclysm for Democrats has only just begun. Election 2010 has begun with a virtual nuclear bomb and will only be diminished in November if the Democrat leadership in Washington backtracks from their Obamcare onslaught. Will this happen? I doubt it. But one thing is guaranteed....if they ignore this incredibly transparent message from Massachusetts, they will see an anger displayed from hometown America that is unprecedented.
My prediction is that Congressional Democrats will not heed the warning, they will continue their Marxist crusade, and they may even try to delay the seating of Scott Brown in the Senate until a healthcare bill is passed.
This eventuality, if it comes to pass, will be the death-knell of the Democrat Party come November. An incredibly foolish move on their part, but also very predictable given the utter arrogance of the main players in Washington.
With all this being said, it is truely a happy night for American patriots across this great country. God has answered our prayers and maybe is giving us another opportunity to get things right.