Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why Are We Giving In ?

It is my feeling that the conservative movement is being watered down by secular libertarians disguised as mainstream conservatives. This is happening at the very worst time, when America is on a historical precipice.
My case in point is the recent revelation that Ann Coulter will be speaking at a gathering of a homosexual group called GOProud. As a result of her decision, Joseph Farah and the executive council of WND have decided to disallow Coulter from speaking at their function. They feel, as do I, that to accept these militant homosexuals into the conservative fold is to deny the Judeo-Christian principles that this nation was founded upon and are the underpinning of the conservative movement.
I have found that, even before this Coulter debacle, there is a definite lack of intestinal fortitude on the part of talk-radio conservatives, and others, to even touch upon the whole homosexual rights issue. Even many in the Tea Party Movement have shied away from this controversy for fear of being marginalized by the Leftist media and Democrat politicians. Political expediency, unfortunately, has taken the place of moral and Christian rectitude in the face of a Leftist, amoral onslaught.
The point here is that the part of the Marxist conspiracy to subvert and destroy America's infrastructure is to promote all forms of perversion as good, acceptable, and normal. Even the language has been changed to accommodate this new mind-set of acceptance. Gay, which used to mean "happy" is now a pseudonym for homosexual, promoting the feeling of rightness for their sexual deviance. And "homophobe", which is a purely made-up word that does not even follow the literal Latin meanings bastardized for their own convenience! And yet, we have Rush Limbaugh and others, in their naivete, freely using these words as though they are legitimate! I am anti-homosexuality, but I certainly am not fearful of "homos" which is what homophobe actually means.
What conservatives need to be doing is to be just as vocal as the militant homosexuals and other Leftists in opposing immorality in our society, and stop allowing the Left to dictate the terms of engagement in our national debate on this and other issues. When the true patriots of America succumb to the dictates of the authors of subversion in this country and let them frame the debate on their own terms, then we have already surrendered our freedom!
Make no mistake about it, this is not just a battle between patriotism and totalitarianism. This is a battle between the forces of personified Evil and God Himself. But, if we allow Evil to triumph, then God's judgement will very soon follow!
WAKE UP conservatives, and WAKE UP America, before we reach the "point of no return"!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Democrat"s Relentless Pursuit

Despite what all of the prominent polls reveal, and despite being handed Scott Brown's humiliating election win in Massachusetts, the Democrats remain fixated on passing Obamacare. More than anything else this is a revelation of the importance of this legislation to the agenda of the Marxists in Washington. Without it's passage they will lose what is left of their momentum and political equity. Essentially, their ability to bring about the "change" they had hoped for will be eliminated, for the time being.
This fact goes to the absolute necessity that the pressure from conservatives be stepped up. This pressure must come from the grassroots and be placed upon Republicans to do their patriotic duty and defeat Obamacare. We need to send a message to those in power in the GOP that their days will be numbered if they don't take resolute action, WITHOUT compromise!

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Tea Bag Party?

While considering myself as a "tea-bagger", I definitely have a problem with this movement becoming a third party in competition with the GOP. And it has nothing to do with any sort of sentimental or philosophical attachment with this increasingly moderate party. I have watched the Republicans compromise their way out of positions of strength into irrelevance when the opportunity for conservatism to make great strides was available.
This has indeed angered me to no end. But, by the same token, I also realize that the GOP is the only platform of power that constitutional conservatives have to launch real reform in this country. Abraham Lincoln quoted the Bible when he said, " A house divided against itself cannot stand." We are preparing ourselves for a battle against the forces of statism in this nation and the one thing we need to focus on right now is gaining control of the power structure of the Republican Party. If our energies are spent on creating a third party, the movement will be to no avail come November. The most we could hope to accomplish is to make our philosophical point at the expense of an inevitable defeat through a split vote. A liberal or a moderate would win and our opportunity will have been lost.
My point here is to not sacrifice this movement's present momentum on the altar of a historically proven failure: the third party. Look it up in your history books and see where third parties have ended up-- temporary anomalies on the trash-heap of American politics. Let's not allow this to happen to the tea-party movement. It's time to take the Republican Party for constitutional conservatism!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Victory 2010

Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts is a political seismic event of epic proportions. It is a response from average Americans to an arrogant left-wing regime bent on shoving their Marxist agenda down our throats. And the cataclysm for Democrats has only just begun. Election 2010 has begun with a virtual nuclear bomb and will only be diminished in November if the Democrat leadership in Washington backtracks from their Obamcare onslaught. Will this happen? I doubt it. But one thing is guaranteed....if they ignore this incredibly transparent message from Massachusetts, they will see an anger displayed from hometown America that is unprecedented.
My prediction is that Congressional Democrats will not heed the warning, they will continue their Marxist crusade, and they may even try to delay the seating of Scott Brown in the Senate until a healthcare bill is passed.
This eventuality, if it comes to pass, will be the death-knell of the Democrat Party come November. An incredibly foolish move on their part, but also very predictable given the utter arrogance of the main players in Washington.
With all this being said, it is truely a happy night for American patriots across this great country. God has answered our prayers and maybe is giving us another opportunity to get things right.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Approaching Storm

I was standing on my front lawn the other day, watching a gathering storm. Something I've always enjoyed doing since childhood. While watching the ominous clouds and the flashes of lightning growing and approaching, I realized that there was an analogy there that was inescapable and highly applicable to our present national situation.

Ever since the election of Barach Hussein Obama, and the last few days of the Bush Administration, there have been the unmistakable signs of an approaching storm that threatens to rival any that this country has ever seen. As a matter of history, the Bush years were overshadowed by the events of 9/11 and our country's response to those events. For conservatives, there were mixed reactions to the policies that President Bush implemented in dealing with the terrorist threat. Myself and others did not like the establishment of the Patriot Act, as it has such a high potential for abuse by those in government who may have maliscious intent. Also, there was the creation of a whole new government bureaucracy called " Homeland Security ", which has an even greater potential of being misused by the same type of people.
In retrospect, these two items together with Bush's attempt to transfer control of our seaports to the country of Dubai ( an Arab nation ), his advocacy of unnecessary prescription entitlements for wealthy seniors, his unprecedented inflation of the federal bureaucracy, his promotion of amnesty for illegal immigrants, and his creation of the first stimulus package, have revealed him to be a socialist-lite version of Obama.
It appears that Bush was destined to be the precursor of Barach Obama, a sort of "John the Baptist", preparing the way.

Then onto the stage walks Barach Hussein Obama, the messiah ( to those on the left ), the one who is to bring hope and change, compassion and help to the down-trodden, and the culmination of the Marxist dream of Utopia for all.

But, what is not understood by the same people who sing Obama's praises, is that before Utopia arrives there must first come totalitarianism. This is also included in the Marxist dream and in Obama's plan for America.

This is the storm that is brewing, and indeed is not too far away.
The two issues that will be central to Obama's agenda are : healthcare and man-made climate change. These two will be the primary fulcrums that he will use to gain control of our free society. Make no mistake about it, this man does not give a rat's behind for the physical well-being of the populace, only control! If he can control the health and well-being of every man, woman, and child in this country, then he will have effectively seized our very freedom.

The same is true regarding the issue of man-made climate change. This grandiose hoax is designed by the left to be a facade for the stifling of free-enterprise and a back-door rationale for nationalizing major industries. Their tactics are subtle, deceptive, and (thus far) successful. Obama, (along with allies in Congress, the state-run media, and Hollywood), has been advancing this lie by saturating the collective consciousness of millions of Americans with a constant barrage of innuendo, half-truths, and out-and-out lies. The scientific community is by no means on board with this issue despite the claims of such shrill liars as Al Gore and the Congressional Democrat leadership. The term "global-warming" is no longer used by these people because it has become widely known that the southern hemisphere has actually cooled by a degree. Therefore, it is now called "climate change". When their lies are exposed for what they are, the left simply morphs their propaganda to fit their needs.

There is a lot more that could be said, for instance: if Obama is so compassionate towards the needs of the uninsured and needy in the country, then why is his brother languishing in abject poverty ( in an 8x8 hut with a dirt floor ) in Nairobi?? Next, why has Obama spent upwards of $1 million defending himself against lawsuits seeking to force him to release his original birth certificate?? He may be a legitimate American citizen, but who knows for sure and why hide the truth that will end the debate?

Indeed, there is much more that can be said and also much more that needs to be done to expose the despots and demagogues running our country right now. Our only hope is the Congressional elections of 2010. But, honestly, I am not convinced that we will see any elections. In the mean-time we need to keep the pressure on, as so many are now doing, with townhall meetings and tea parties, phone calls and emails, and encouragement and prayer. God is still in control and we are still free. Let's all of us be individual "Paul Reveres" and do what we can to preserve the freedoms that we hold so dear in this country.... before it's too late.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

First Post

As a first-time blogger I just want to dedicate this site to the consistent revealing of the truth and the pursuit of the same through the Grace of God. Never before in American History has this nation faced a more grave threat to it's existence than now ( with the exception of the Civil War ). As citizens, it is our duty to do what we can to protect what has been preserved for us by the blood of American patriots throughout the last 240 years.
For many of us our only means of defense, at this time, is the dispensing of truth regarding the actions and policies of the rogue regime now occupying the seat of power in Washington. Thus the name of this blog, containing the name of the great patriot who sounded the alarm regarding the British tyrannists.
Let us do what we can to follow in the same footsteps of our illustrious predecessors. Thank you.